Lisa Dahl Wellness

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The Ripple Effect of Self-Care: Self-Care is Difficult

Self-Care is an investment in future you!

Taking time to take care of you is always a winning game in the Ripple Effect of Self Care.

We are a society that likes the quick fix or instant gratification. Because self-care doesn’t always make us feel instantly better we become easily distracted and forget that our ROI (return on investment) is often in the future. It is much easier for us to make decisions that feel good right now, aka the “quick fix” than it is to have the discipline to make decisions that aren’t fun or enjoyable now but feel really awesome in the future.

Here are some examples of the choices we make and how prioritizing self-care sometimes needs a boost of discipline.

  • You have a choice between binge-watching your favorite TV series until 2 in the morning, or watching 1 episode and getting to bed at a decent hour so you get a full night’s rest.

  • Passing on mid-week drinks or the 3rd shot of tequila at a weekend party. Instead of feeling tired and sluggish, you wake up the next day, refreshed and ready to go.

Learning to be comfortable to say “no” when you don’t want to or can’t do something. This is a great opportunity to shift your mindset and learn how you can say “yes” to yourself instead. Learning to say “yes” to you will help alleviate stress and reduce the heavy weighted feeling that comes with being overextended. Who doesn’t want that heavy load lifted off our shoulders?

Getting out of your warm cozy bed 1 hour earlier so that you can choose to workout, meditate or journal will set you up for success all day long. Feeling accomplished is much more enjoyable than a day filled with “I should have….”.

While the choices may seem challenging at the moment, the ROI whether it’s a few hours later or several days in the future, taking time to take care of you is always a winning game in the Ripple Effect of Self Care.

You win and everyone around you wins too when you feel good from the inside out.

See this gallery in the original post