#1 Top 10 Tips on How to Break Up With Your Diet- Throw Away Your Scale
Top Tip #1: Stop Weighing Yourself and Throw Out Your Scale
Who has said, “Please, please, please, let the number be… What you don’t know is the irony of the number. A “good” or “bad” number can both trigger eating. You may have the phew, let’s celebrate, I can eat today mentality or the Oh Sh*t stomach punch and eat your way through the pity party. Either way, you are not alone!
Top 10 Tips On How To Ditch The Diet- Throw Away Your Scale
I recommend going to the highest place in your house, condo, or apartment, opening the window, and throwing out the scale with all your force!
Please send me a picture when you do this so I can celebrate with you!
Stop weighing myself was the hardest for me to give up, as it is often with my clients.
If you are willing, think about what the number on the scale tells you daily. Are you good or bad based on that number? The answer is no; you are neither good nor bad; it is just a number tied to a false reality of self-worth.
You and I are both so much more than that arbitrary number.