#2 Top 10 Tips on How to Break Up With Your Diet- Unsubscribe From Diet Media
Top Tip #2: Unsubscribe from Diet Media on Email and Social!
So many things impact our thoughts about dieting and how we feel about ourselves and our bodies.
Today’s 2nd Top Tip to give you Body Peace & Food Freedom is to Unsubscribe From Diet Media on Email and Social!
Top 10 Tips On How To Ditch The Diet- Unsubscribe from Diet Media on Email and Social Accounts
Over the years, we have curated our feeds and email (and thank you for having me in your already overflowing inbox) based on our interests and likes.
If you are a dieter, you are naturally attracted to anything that promises weight loss, others before and after pictures (because that’s your dream too), it’s a lifestyle, and anything else that promises that quick “fix,” “AKA Diet Culture.” I hear you, and you are not alone!
These emails and images (Diet Culture) are directly linked to disordered eating, eating disorders, body image challenges, and a lack of connection between your mind, body, and food.
You may not know that keeping yourself immersed in “Diet Culture” creates comparison and leads you to criticize yourself and others, continuously creating objectification. This thought gives you the false belief that your self-worth is tied to your appearance and is what keeps you stuck in the diet cycle.
So today, your 2nd Top Tip is to Unsubscribe or Block one source that promises you happiness through a better body, leaves you feeling bad about yourself, or fills you with guilt or shame based on how you look, your food choices, or activity level.