#8 Top Tips to Break Up With Your Diet- Eat When You Are Hungry!
As dieters, one of the things that many of us are good at is ignoring our hunger. We falsely believe that ignoring our hunger, skipping meals, and eating less will lead to that magical, mystical number on the scale. Remember Tip #1, no more weighing!
So, contrary to our diet brains, Top Tip #8 that will lead you to the path of Body Peace & Food Freedom is to Eat When You Are Hungry.
A dieting body is a starving body. While you may think, “Yeah, right, my body certainly doesn’t look like it’s starving,” why does it matter? The truth is, it matters a lot and more than you think!
Top Tip # 8 to Body Peace & Food Freedom: Eat When You Are Hungry!
The diet body closely resembles a starvation state, meaning our bodies believe we are experiencing a famine. The body doesn’t recognize that you have food in your pantry and that withholding your food is a choice.
What happens at some point because food is essential to our survival, our bodies trigger off a “biological fuse that turns on our eating drive, both physically and psychologically.” This action is often confused with a lack of willpower, which is really a biological drive to eat. You have not failed the diet; the diet has failed you.
The result of insufficient nourishment and ignoring our hunger is the backlash that often ends in a binge and eating too overfull because our bodies don’t trust that more food will soon become available.
I have been there! Practicing Top Tip #8, Eat When You Are Hungry, can be scary and challenging. I promise this will be life-changing for you with time, patience, practice, and compassion and is another step closer to Body Peace & Food Freedom.
Bonus Tip on Practicing Hunger:
First, it’s essential to begin to recognize your hunger signals. For now, please keep it simple.
Check-in with your body during the day, begin noticing your hunger signals, and ask yourself how you feel. Pleasant? Unpleasant? Or Neutral.
Your Hunger Signals Could Be:
Lack of concentration
Low energy
Tummy growling