#9 Top Tips to Break Up With Your Diet- Stop Eating When You Are Full
Yesterday's Top Tip # 8, Eat When You Are Hungry, goes hand in hand with today's Top Tip # 9, Stop When You Are Full.
In a perfect world, we would all be able to notice when we are starting to feel full, purposely decide that this is my last bite, and feel pleasantly full and satisfied. The "real" world distracts us from our bodies, often not noticing we are full until we are overfull and stuffed. UGH, no one likes to feel that way.
Blowing past our fullness happens for a few reasons, including eating mindlessly. Other factors also affect our abilities to honor our hunger, such as being part of the "Clean Plate Club." Were you told as a child that you have to eat everything on your plate, there are "starving" children somewhere in the world, or is it simply wasteful to let anything go to waste?
Top Tip # 9 to Body Peace & Food Freedom: Stop Eating When You Are Full
Another contributing factor to our inability to stop when pleasantly full is that, as dieters, our bodies don't trust that more food is coming. A body that has been purposely starved doesn't trust that it will receive more food or energy within a reasonable amount of time and will kick in that biological drive to prepare for the next upcoming famine, AKA the diet, and have you eating as much as possible. Eating to overfull is not your fault or a lack of willpower.
To practice Top Tip # 9, Stop When You Are Full first practice eating when you are hungry. The next step is to notice your stories about why you may be eating past pleasantly full. Noticing your emotional state may also be a contributing factor.
Please remember that you are human, too and that this takes time, practice, patience, and compassion. We all, at times, will eat too overfull; this is not a game of perfection.
Top Tip # 9 Stop When You Are Full is another step closer to Body Peace & Food Freedom.
Do you need support in practicing these tips? It's time to take the next steps and join my Body Peace & Food Freedom program. Learn more and check for our next start date here!