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Your Holiday Self Care Top Tips
To help kick-start your self-care mindset as we go into the holidays, here are my top Self-Care tips and tools on how to build your self-care toolbox.
Self-Care: Where Does It Fit In?
Self-care is always important, and given the current state of our world, now is the time to make an intentional choice to start taking care of you. The word self-care used to make me uncomfortable due to my flawed thinking that it was selfish. I was far more comfortable using the word self-preservation. As much as I now believe in self-care and what it means, we are in a battle of keeping ourselves afloat, and perhaps, for now, self-preservation is the better word.
The Ripple Effect of Self-Care: Self-Care is Difficult
We are a society that likes the quick fix or instant gratification. Because self-care doesn’t always make us feel instantly better we become easily distracted and forget that our ROI (return on investment) is often in the future. It is much easier for us to make decisions that feel good right now, aka the “quick fix” than it is to have the discipline to make decisions that aren’t fun or enjoyable now but feel really awesome in the future.
Self-Care: Where Do You Feel Resistance?
Self-Care Tool Box- Your toolbox can be your secret weapon to learn how to take small steps to make your every day a little bit better for yourself and all those that you touch around you. The better you take care of you, the kinder, gentler, and more patient you will become throughout your day.
6 Ways To Slow Down: Find Your Pause Button
What do you have to say no to, to say yes to yourself?