You Can Create Hope with “YET”
Learn How “YET” Change Your Mood and Mindset
The word "yet" can be a powerful mindset shift and create a foundation of trust, both needed for better health and wellness.
The word "yet" is mainly used to refer to something a person is waiting for and expecting. The event has not happened so far.
When I work with my clients, they often will say things such as:
I don't exercise
I am not an Intuitive Eater.
I am not a Mindful Eater
I don't like my body
I don't know how to trust myself.
When I ask them to add the word "YET," it changes everything!
I don't exercise, YET
I am not an Intuitive Eater, YET
I am not a Mindful Eater, YET
I don't like my body, YET
I don't know how to trust myself, YET
If you are willing, go back and re-read the original statement and then the revised statement with the word "YET" and notice how it feels in your body.
The revised "YET" statement brings hope and introduces you to the fact that there is a learning curve, and you are on your way to that growth opportunity.
As Carol Dweck says in her famous Ted Talk, The Power Of Yet, the word gives you a path into the future.
Her research demonstrates that we can create a growth mindset and the word "yet" can shift our thoughts and open us to future possibilities.
When thinking about health and wellness, we often go through a list of things we don't do and scramble down the negative rabbit hole. We get lost in the overwhelm, shut down and move away from discovering how to feel better.
Today, take that next step and find your growth opportunity. Create your lists of "I don't" or "I can't," and then go back and add the word "yet." Do you notice a positive shift in how you feel in your body?
I promise you the power of "YET" creates optimism and hope that you can learn how to do or become that "thing" that was previously negative with time, patience, practice, and compassion."
Are you ready to learn more about how health and wellness coaching can make a difference for you?
I have several one-on-one coaching spaces open and it is perfect timing to get ready for the holidays!