Help & Inspiration to Guide Your Wellness Journey
Together, let’s UNDiet your life!
You Can Create Hope with “YET”
The word "yet" can be a powerful mindset shift and create a foundation of trust, both needed for better health and wellness.
The word "yet" is mainly used to refer to something a person is waiting for and expecting. The event has not happened so far.
Do You Know Where Your Health Is Going?
We often only think about our health and wellness when we don't feel well, don't like the mirror's reflection, or notice the negative habits we want to change.
All are taking a reactive or automatic pilot approach to the most essential thing in our lives, our bodies. When I refer to our bodies, I am talking about functionality, all aspects of self and health, bringing you away from the number on the scale to determine your health.
Do You Need Social Nourishment?
Did you know….
Your preoccupation with food could be related to your need for more significant social interactions.
We often think food is the problem when food is only the messenger…
What Gets In Your Way?
There are many aspects of learning and embracing a mindful approach to health and wellness; the best part is that all that is required is an open mind to start.
What gets in your way of dipping your toes into Mindful Eating?
What Makes You Healthy?
Many of us don't know that wellness is a choice, will look different for all of us, and is an active process. Health doesn't happen when we hit a number on the scale and then magic; we are happy and healthy from the inside out. We don't "arrive" and stay there.
Wellness is comprised of many bodies, and for optimal "health," balance is the key to success.
Why You Need to Be Curious in a Health and Wellness Journey
Is your diet and dieting lifestyle working for you?
Criticism and judgment, a "dieter's mind," leave you defeated, defiant, and stuck, similar to the diet cycle.
Acceptance and curiosity open the door to the journey, adventure, and getting off the diet roller coaster.
My “why” is really your “why”!
This is a perfect example of my “why” when I say I want to give my clients the gift of freedom – freedom to live a healthy life and to do the things that make you happy! As a Health and Wellness Coach, I have been trained to ask why, and to ask why again, again, and again, (5 times in fact) as that is how long it often takes for people to get to the bottom line of “why” they want to achieve their goal.