Help & Inspiration to Guide Your Wellness Journey
Together, let’s UNDiet your life!
You Can Create Hope with “YET”
The word "yet" can be a powerful mindset shift and create a foundation of trust, both needed for better health and wellness.
The word "yet" is mainly used to refer to something a person is waiting for and expecting. The event has not happened so far.
Do You Need Social Nourishment?
Did you know….
Your preoccupation with food could be related to your need for more significant social interactions.
We often think food is the problem when food is only the messenger…
What Gets In Your Way?
There are many aspects of learning and embracing a mindful approach to health and wellness; the best part is that all that is required is an open mind to start.
What gets in your way of dipping your toes into Mindful Eating?
Interview with DeliveryRank, Lisa Dahl Wellness 2022: UNDiet Your Life
I am excited to share! I was recently interviewed by Sarah Kirton, a writer from DeliveryRank; We discussed my views on the damage diet culture has caused and revealed how working with my clients; you can learn how to UNdiet your life, build confidence, happiness, and love for self, regardless of size.
AVOID the After Thanksgiving Urge To Diet!
You do not need to compensate for your holiday eating today, tomorrow, or any day. Your restriction is what sets you up for a binge. Enjoy the holiday food without guilt or shame.
Thanksgiving Gifts for you!
Today I have two gifts to help you enjoy the holidays and prepare you for 2023, the year of the UNDiet. The good news is that you can start now, and it doesn't include a meal plan, food rules, or willpower.
Learn Why You Need to Understand Your Hunger
There are many ways our bodies talk to us, which I refer to as body speak (learning the language of your body).
When we understand "our language" by connecting our mind, body, heart, and food, we become experts on ourselves and no longer need diets or outside resources to tell us what, when, and how much to eat.
Learn how a Hunger Scale can connect your to your hunger.
Don’t Suck The Joy Out Of Candy Season!
The truth is, one day filled with candy will not harm anyone long term (unless there are medical conditions and a lack of teeth brushing). How we talk about the candy experience harms our children and ourselves, impacting our relationships with food and body.
A Diet You Can’t Miss!
I support women in connecting their minds, body, and food, which is all about thoughts, actions, and behaviors.
This week, I finally found a diet that I can stand behind and support.
I believe to my core, that it will actually work for everyone. Are you curious?
Why You Need to Be Curious in a Health and Wellness Journey
Is your diet and dieting lifestyle working for you?
Criticism and judgment, a "dieter's mind," leave you defeated, defiant, and stuck, similar to the diet cycle.
Acceptance and curiosity open the door to the journey, adventure, and getting off the diet roller coaster.
Do You Think About Calorie Counts On a Menu?
How do you feel about calories on a menu?
The old me was 100% in; I would have thought it was a dream come true. In fact, for years, I fantasized about opening a restaurant affiliated with "WW." It would have the entire menu broken down by nutritional content and points. A place I could eat and quickly do my calorie math. It would feel safe.
Let’s talk “Belly Love”
The first question you may have is, “what is Belly Love?”
Belly love is when you take the time and ask your belly if she is hungry, and you listen, trust and respect her answer
What is the difference between emotional and physical hunger?
Am I Really Hungry?
For those of us that struggle with healthy choices, dieting, and the never-ending little voices in our head that seem to tell us we are hungry all the time, being aware is the first step to change and creating new habits.
Mindful Eating- The Path Away From Diet Culture
Mindful eating is a way to break from the latest diets. When you practice mindful eating, it connects your mind with your body and the lines of communication to what your body has to say. You will hear the voice in your head that says I am starting to feel full, you will feel sensations you never noticed before and hear the voice in your head that notices your true level of fullness.