My “why” is really your “why”!

Why Nutrition Coaches Do What We Do
A Client Success Story

This is a perfect example of my “why” when I say I want to give my clients the gift of freedom – freedom to live a healthy life and to do the things that make you happy!

As a Health and Wellness Coach, I have been trained to ask why, and to ask why again, again, and again, (5 times in fact) as that is how long it often takes for people to get to the bottom line of “why” they want to achieve their goal. A fellow coach shared a story about a new client who has been on her health and wellness journey since December 1st, 2009. It truly broke my heart and then made me smile!

She had created a list of all things she could not do in a body that she fed with food that didn’t make her feel good and her total lack of movement. Life slowly changed as she began to listen to her body, eat food that made her feel energized, satisfied, and satiated. When she combined her new way of eating with adding in movement a little bit at a time, she noticed that she was crossing off her list of achievements one at a time. She accomplished her achievements by learning how to confidently listen, trust, and respect her body and add movement that made her feel good. There was no diet plan; she became her own expert and made choices based on what felt right to her!

I want to give “you,” my clients, the gift of freedom that comes from healthy choices.

Below is a list of what this women’s freedom looks like, and today she is well on her way to achieving every one of her goals.

What I would like to say is that your list of “why’s”,
is “why” I choose to help you through my health and wellness coaching, because this is what healthy choices gives you, FREEDOM!


Here is her list of “why’s”, all 40 of them!

1. Run with my kids
2. Ride bikes with the family
3. Water ski, (again)
4. Snow ski, (again)
5. Fit into an airplane seat and fasten seatbelt
6. Have fun shopping for clothes
7. Shop in the normal size clothing section
8. Wear a swimsuit and be comfortable in public
9. Go to the doctor without dread, fear, and shame
10. Run 5K and maybe even 10k one day
11. Climb Telegraph Pass
12. Go to Beach/river/pool and feel free without needing to hide
13. Go to Disneyland and ride every ride with my kids
14. Watch G man play golf and carry his bags (husband)
15. Lead by example for our kids, family, my coworkers, friends
16. Be healthy and have the labs to prove it
17. Be free to say yes or no based upon my whim in the moment, but never again because I physically can’t do something
18. Live to one day meet my grandkids and their kids
19. Travel comfortably
20. Go to the gym

21. Be athletic
22. Be active
23. Wake up with energy
24. Sleep
25. Look good naked
26. Fit into chairs at office
27. Walk upstairs and not be out of breath
28. Move freely without any pain
29. Never ever again hear the “you are a fat ass” lecture from any doc
30. Reduce health risks
31. Get regular check-ups
32. Live to see our 69 and 70-year anniversary
33. Go zip lining
34. Swim with dolphins in Hawaii
35. Do a mud run
36. Be able to run if necessary on scene (job-related)
37. Take kids to water parks and on crazy adventures
38. Skydive (not sure I’d want to but don’t want to be left out cause I can’t)
39. Have more endurance and stamina
40. Look at myself in the mirror and love who is looking back at me

Have you thought about your list of why’s?

Many people start off with the statement, “I want to lose weight”, and their sequence of why looks like this:

  • Why do I want to lose weight?
    Because I want to fit into a smaller size of pants.

  • But why do I want to fit into a smaller size of pants?
    Because when I’m wearing smaller pants, I think I’ll look better.

  • But why do I want to look better?
    Because when I look good, I feel good about myself.

  • But why do I want to feel good about myself?
    Because when I feel good about myself, I’m more assertive and confident.

  • But why do I want to be more assertive and confident?
    Because when I’m more assertive and confident, I’m in control and better able to get what I want out of life.

The truth is, it’s not about the number on the scale. As you can see from the example above of the  40 why’s, it was the freedom and confidence to do all the things this client wanted to do. 

What Are Your Why's- Lisa Dahl Wellness.png

Does this list resonate with you?
I hope this story helps inspire you to create your own list of “why’s”.
If so, let’s chat about taking steps to improve and transform and help you find your freedom!


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Acorn Squash Soup w/ Turmeric