Why You Need to Be Curious in a Health and Wellness Journey
Why you need to be curious for a health and wellness journey and adventure.
When working with my clients, I often share that health and wellness are a journey and adventure built on a foundation of curiosity.
You may not know that for most of us, curiosity peaks by age 30 and goes downhill after that. If you are over 30, don't stress; curiosity is malleable and a trait that can be practiced and improved.
Simple curiosity is one of the first steps to breaking up with your diet. I know that sounds scary regarding health and wellness, especially as a dieter. The fear of gaining weight, being out of control, and eating everything in sight is real, and I hear you!
The diet has given you the false belief of safety, and doing anything different, such as UNDieting, is terrifying. You are not alone in these thoughts.
Curiosity allows you to reconnect with your capacity for adventure; we need to learn to embrace uncertainty or at least begin to get comfortable with the unknown. With curiosity, as with intuitive eating, there are no rules or failures. Curiosity fosters a beginner's mind and approaches situations as though you are "literally" a beginner, regardless of your experience.
You can set aside your perceptions and assumptions and start with a "clean slate." A beginning step to embracing something different, such as stopping dieting, is to remind yourself that it's okay not to know and not to understand; embrace the journey and adventure.
Curiosity and a beginner's mind will have you out of your comfort zone and give you the confidence to question your status quo, beliefs, and society's labels.
Is your diet and dieting lifestyle working for you?
Criticism and judgment, a "dieter's mind," leave you defeated, defiant, and stuck, similar to the diet cycle. Acceptance and curiosity open the door to the journey, adventure, and getting off the diet roller coaster.
Curiosity helps us overcome obstacles and challenges and reach the desired destination. As a dieter, I know your desired destination is often a number on the scale. As a dieter, I also know that you want to be happy, healthy, confident, and comfortable in the skin you are in.
Enter curiosity!
If a dieting mindset is no longer working for you, I invite you to reacquaint yourself with curiosity and open yourself to a new journey and adventure with your health and wellness.
Is the gateway to what we cherish most, (comfortable and confident with our body and food)
Helps you find meaning and purpose in life.
Allows you to overcome adversity, (the many failed diets).
Opens you up to realizing your full potential. (You don’t have to weigh “x” to achieve what you want in life)
Allows you to find new resources. (You are the expert on yourself)
Feeds your hunger for novelty and learning. Discover how to connect your mind, body, and food).
Turns the mundane into excitement. (Relearn the pleasure of eating)
Helps you avoid depression and boredom. (Dieting is self-defeating)
Allows you to quit accepting the bad as inevitable and taking the good for granted.
Allows you to take more risks.
Creates youthful energy (Your actions and behaviors shift your energy and mindset)
Some thoughts and reflections to kick start your curiosity if you finally ditch the diet:
What might happen?
What's a new way to do "X?"
What other possibility is there?
What is another perspective?
What would you do if there were no diet rules?
How might your curiosity help you here?
What risk might you take here?
Are you ready to get curious about your health and wellness journey and adventure? It’s time for us to talk! https://calendly.com/lisadahlwellness/body-peace-food-freedom-consultation-call